热门关键词:高温九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌/液压九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌/九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌厂家
腾旋科技(股票代码430602)是研制、开发和生产动态密封及液压传动其相关产品的高新技术企业,拥有无锡、郎溪两大生产基地。企业长期致力于密封与磨擦技术的研究,其中九游会·J9 - 中国官方网站 | 真人游戏第一品牌研发中心已为腾旋企业赢得了408项专利。
Tengxuan Technology Company specializes in research, development and the manufacturing of rotary joints and related products. Tengxuan is also the leading sealing technology and steam syphon expert in China, accumulating 408 technical patents over the years.
Tengxuan has a large machine shop facility, with over 400 state-of-the-art machines. We have our own sales and service staff, assisting customers around the world.
Tengxuan products are widely used in industries such as construction machinery , wind power industry, paper, steel, corrugating, textiles, non-wovens, rubber, plastics, chemical,machine tool and food processing.
Along with our high quality products, we offer our customers the highest level of aftermarket sales and service.
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